Bringing a Little Chaos to History
One of the things I love most is to travel the world. I’ve been very fortunate to have visited 16 different countries, mostly…
Gestas Quet metus nunc risus purus, dolor pretium egestas bibendum. Endum et, lorem quam…
Hello and welcome to History Havoc. I created this site a few years ago (I had to delete the old site…
One of the books I have taught for the past decade has been The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Every year I talk about how the book helped pass legislation dealing with food preparation. As a class we read tiny segments of it and some students find the segments quite gross. It is never fun to…
I have decided to take a break from my Ph.D. and there are several reasons why. First of all, I am tired. It has been a long haul, and after this semester I will take an extended break. At this point I do not know if I will go back and finish. Perhaps one day.…
If you are not aware, I am working on my Ph.D. through Liberty University. That is reason #1 why I have been absent here lately. I have so much I want to write about, but very little time. Currently I am taking 2 comprehensive exam courses. One on Early Modern Europe and the other on…
Having lived in Texas for a long time, this is my home and I absolutely love it here. However, there is one thing that sticks in my crawl so to speak. Can we stop with the Texas secession talk? First of all, legally and constitutionally the state cannot secede. Plus it would be ludicrous. Texas…
One misconception I think many people have is that the Civil War ended at a courthouse. It did not. There is a difference between court house and courthouse. The one word version is the actual courthouse where judges would hear cases. The other is a small town. Appomattox Court House is a small town in…
Recently I had the chance to visit Gettysburg for the first time. This was one of the best trips I have been on in my life, partly because I got to share the experience with my father who is a huge history buff. I will save the stories from the road for another post, but…
Having always been a huge fan of history, the history of my family interested me. Then one day when my father was cleaning out my grandparent’s house after their passing, he came across a pair of books that blew me away. The first was printed in 1916 by Jasper E. Bynum and was called The…
If you were to poll many people today on where does Christianity not exist most often, I would dare to guess you would see the two most popular answers to be politics and war. But what if you asked that same question in the late 1700s or early 1800s? I feel like the answer would…
Today let us take a look at the Keynesian economic theory and how it applies to the causes and end of the Great Depression. Just a quick note about the theory, in its simplest form it states that changes in a component of spending, whether investment, consumption, or governmental, causes output to change. When looking…
Hall of Fame baseball player Ty Cobb had an interesting financial life. As one of the best players of his time, Cobb was one of the highest paid. But I want to focus on his financial life as a whole including his investments and even his philanthropy. First of all, let’s take a look at…