Bringing a Little Chaos to History
One of the books I have taught for the past decade has been The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Every year I talk about how the book helped pass legislation dealing with food preparation. As a class we read tiny segments of it and some students find the segments quite gross. It is never fun to…
Having always been a huge fan of history, the history of my family interested me. Then one day when my father was cleaning out my grandparent’s house after their passing, he came across a pair of books that blew me away. The first was printed in 1916 by Jasper E. Bynum and was called The…
Check out my latest YouTube video – just a quick bit about Francis Butler Leigh and her time on her Georgia plantation after the war. You can even see her book online at the link below. Abstract: Francis Butler Leigh was a plantation owner and former slave owner who wrote a book about her experiences…