British Museum

Welcome to History Havoc

Welcome to the new site at History Havoc. The old site was attacked by malware that I could not get removed, so I deleted it all and started fresh.

Here I hope to bring you history news, notes, and tidbits as I study and learn. If you did not follow the blog before, I invite you to follow us here and on our social media platforms.

But you may be wondering, who I am. So, here is a bit of a short introduction.

My name is Eric Bynum and I am a 46 year old teacher, traveler, blogger, podcaster, and student. I teach social studies at a local high school here in central Texas. I absolutely love my job and have taught everything from World Geography, to Economics, to AP World History, to dual credit US History. I have a master’s degree in US History and I am currently a student at Liberty University working on my Ph.D. in history. As of the writing of this blog, I have completed 24 hours towards my Ph.D. (72 hours are needed).

I love learning and have a wide variety of interests in history. Some of my favorite areas are the US Civil War, Revolutionary War era, WWI, WWII, and anything that deals with the history of baseball. I wrote my master’s thesis on how baseball impacted the war effort during WWII, which combined two of my favorite things.

I also love to travel. To date, I have traveled to 16 different countries. Seeing the history there and learning about their cultures have been amazing experiences for me. I plan to take you a long with me on some of those trips, and going back to revisit some of the historical places I’ve seen.

I do not profess to be an expert. I love learning and hope to learn right along with you here at the blog.

If you have questions, please ask. I’ll be bringing you some of my research and just some of the interesting stories I stumble across.

So once again I say welcome to History Havoc.
